
Watch A Vintage, Toxicity-Era System Of A Down Interview

It’s Ian Camfield! And Serj and Daron, obviously. But also, Ian Camfield!

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Ian Camfield’s a name that some British radio listeners – and music television watchers – of a certain vintage may fondly recall. Felt like you couldn’t move for the man, in a nice way, for a while – there he was on Xfm, and there on K-Rock overseas, and across VH1 and MTV. Good lad. We like Ian.

And here he is, in a vintage MTV2 clip speaking to System Of A Down’s Serj Tankian and Daron Malakian. (Ah, MTV2, ah.) Why is this up, now, in September 2017? Well, System’s second studio LP, the brilliant Toxicity, just celebrated its 16th anniversary, released as it was on September 4, 2001. You know, it’s the album with Chop Suey on it – pretty much the only song on Guitar Hero Live I can ace every time. Anyway

Via the ObeyYourSysteM YouTube channel comes this rarely seen, certainly in recent years, chat with half of the band about their then-new LP, Toxicity.

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A softer approach? Ha! Hardly, Ian. And the new nu-metal is prog-rock? Wow. The early 00s was a long time ago, huh. 

System Of A Down may or (more likely) may not be working on a follow-up to 2005’s Mesmerize/Hypnotise double-header. In July this year, the band’s bassist Shavo Odadjian told fans that “It’s not happening. I don’t know when it’s going to be. Not right now.”

And here's Serj in this clip, back in 2001, saying: “We said that we’re going to take our time… and not be a band that comes up with a second album really quickly.” Or even a sixth one, eh Serj? No, but, really, guys: a new record sometime before the world is consumed in the nuclear fire would be magic, please.

Toxicity rules, though. Refresh yourself, below. 

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