In May this year, vocalist Serj told Rainn Wilson (yep, that’s Dwight Schrute from The Office) in an interview that he wasn’t interested in doing longer tours anymore.
“I love performing, but… I think when you do a long tour, it’s not just physically exhausting, but it’s artistically redundant after a while, repeating the same thing,” he explained. “That’s why we’re really enjoying doing these one-offs, they’re special events, special occasions. We can’t do them everywhere, we can’t do them all the time. But performing becomes fun again, in a way, and I had kind of lost that.
“As far as touring somewhere in the near future, possibly, I would say. I mean, I’m open to looking at stuff, but not thrilled about doing long tours at all, anywhere. Just one-offs, or maybe a handful of one-offs with dates in between.”
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