Many argue that Lateralus is Tool's magnum opus and Dave Everley's 5K superlative appraisal makes a strong case to support that point. Good luck arguing otherwise, regardless.
"It's the most perfectly played, perfectly produced record you're likely to hear this or any other year," he states, "and there are, to paraphrase one of the band's old slogans, absolutely, definitely, unequivocally no fucking hit singles" which is a fair comment. "Lateralus is one of the greatest albums you'll hear in your lifetime," he concludes.
Indeed, as above, Lateralus might not be the first album you'd play to someone trying to get into the band for the first time, but all things considered it may just be their finest record once those same people are ready for it and it still stands as the one that encapsulates all of their brilliantly rewarding awkwardness. It's one to live with to truly know and love, but once you do, it'll stay with you.