
Motörhead used on trailer for Rick & Morty series 7

It’s the first series with new actors doing the titular science adventurers’ voices.

Motörhead used on trailer for Rick & Morty series 7
Kerrang! Staff

Big news: there's a trailer for the new, seventh series of Rick & Morty out, and it looks brilliant. Even better, it's got Motörhead's Ace Of Spades on it, proving both that the ’Head are appropriate anywhere and improve anything they touch by about 15%, and that the science-LOLZ pair have very good taste.

Check it out to see what we mean.

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The series airs on Ocober 15 on [adult swim]. It will be the first since the show dropped co-creator Justin Roiland, who provided the voices of the titular characters, following a string of allegations. From the clip, though, it sounds like the currently-unnamed new voice actors have earned their pay here.

“This season, Rick & Morty are back, sounding more like themselves than ever!" reads the blurb. "From exploring the unknown with Jerry to possibly encountering EVIL Summer, this season’s labyrinth of possibilities is set to leave fans on the edge of their seats!”

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