It’s one question of many she has. Indeed, if falling for robots and wishing i was one is riddled with something that isn’t heartache, anxiety and earworms, it’s rhetorical questions. This is why, to close things, K! decides to turn some of the questions LØLØ poses on the lyrics to OMG back to her, just to see if she’s reached any conclusions since recording it.
‘Am I fucking weird, or am I funny?’ you sing – are you any closer to the answer?
“Lately a lot of people have been telling me I’m funny, so I would like to accept that as reality,” she smiles.
You also ask, ‘Will I ever be as cool as Green Day?’ Well, will you?
“No, I don’t think so,” she says. “I don’t think that’s possible. Even though I met Green Day, and they told me that I was cool, but that was before I wrote that. I met Billie [Joe Armstrong] and Mike [Dirnt] at a bar in LA randomly, I ended up hanging out with them all night and the next day, Billie DMd me saying, ‘I checked out your music, I really liked Junkie!’ I was like, ‘I can die now.’”
You also sing ‘Does anyone truly love me?’ – has all of the affection from fans around the world done anything to replace all the love you lost in writing your debut?
“It’s funny because on my last tour, when I would sing that question, two fans would yell back, ‘We do!’” she says. “They don’t know this, but it actually brought me so much fucking joy. It’s my favourite thing. In my head, I’m like, ‘Please never stop doing that!’ So yeah, I’m definitely feeling the love now.”
So, maybe, just maybe, you’ve got better at going easier on yourself since you wrote the album?
“No,” she laughs, before she gets ready to get out of bed. “But I’ve definitely got better at caring less. But then again… there’s still those moments that you do really care, and those are tough.”
She takes one final moment to ponder the life and times of LØLØ.
“I’m medium-better!”
LØLØ’s falling for robots and wishing i was one is out June 7 via Hopeless Records
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