At this point in a live performance, Corey will generally instruct the audience to all get down on the ground, then repeat the bridge, replacing, ‘Good enough, had enough’ with “JUMP THE FUCK UP!” and everything goes bonkers. A live version of this song can easily be seven, eight minutes of amazingness. Best fucking band.
You know who likes this song a lot? Met-flippin’-allica. Corey told Rock Feed about a time when the whole band came out and joined Slipknot onstage in 2004 or so, during an outdoor show in which they had to compete with the World Cup: “There’s a gigantic screen just perpendicular to the audience and everyone’s kinda watching us – at the time it was hard to ignore us – they’re watching us, then they’re watching the goal, then they’re watching us, then they’re watching the goal. Now, we get to the sit-down on Spit It Out, and all of a sudden, from the wings, here comes Metallica, all of their crew, all in masks, and Lars immediately jumps on the drums, James is just standing there watching everything, we get everybody down and then all of a sudden everybody jumps up. Watching Metallica do it with us man, it was such a great bonding experience.”
And that’s your lot. The total swearing tally? Three shits, nine fucks, three bitches, two asses, one cock, one dick, one piss, one damn and one tit. Not actually that bad. Well done everybody.