News Black Sabbath Release Master Of Reality-Themed Shirt For Black Lives MatterBlack Sabbath are donating 100 per cent of the net profits from their new Master Of Reality-themed tee to Black Lives Matter.
Features 13 bands who wouldn’t be here without Black SabbathBlack Sabbath started this thing we call heavy metal, but some bands are more directly influenced than others…
Features 20 albums that changed how we think foreverWe look back on 20 records that permanently changed our approach to the topics that really matter…
Features Quiz: How well do you know Black Sabbath's lyrics?We all know Ozzy's voice, but have you been paying attention to his words? Take our Black Sabbath lyric quiz to find out!
Features 13 of the best albums to listen to on headphonesSit back, relax and plug in to some of the greatest albums of all time…
News Tony Iommi Has Unused Material “That Goes Back For Years”Black Sabbath's Tony Iommi is working out what to do with the many musical ideas that he's accumulated over the years.
News Tony Iommi's Auction Raises £19,000 For Birmingham's Heartlands HospitalThe Black Sabbath guitarist flogged a load of genuinely one-off stuff for the cause...
News Tony Iommi Has "Loads" Of New Material Ready To RecordBlack Sabbath legend Tony Iommi is sitting on a wealth of material that he wants to commit to tape.
News Watch Quarantined Italians "Sing" Black Sabbath's War Pigs From Their BalconiesIs this video proof that Italy is uniting under the banner of Black Sabbath?
News Michael Bolton Auditioned For Black Sabbath, According To Tony IommiIn a recent interview, Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi backed up the rumor that Michael Bolton once auditioned for his band.
Features 10 Bands Who Have Been Banned By The ChurchScrew Sunday mass -- here are 10 rock bands whose concerts and songs were banned by religious authorities.
News All Time Low: Reconnecting With The Past & Writing The Future…Plus, Rage Against The Machine, Black Sabbath, You Me At Six, Kvelertak, Poppy, Five Finger Death Punch, The Interrupters, Beartooth, Bring Me The Horizon and loads more!
Features How Black Sabbath’s debut album gave the world a new kind of heavinessWe celebrate the birth of Black Sabbath, and the sound of heavy metal as we know it.
News Green Day: Fear And Paranoia In OaklandPlus, Black Sabbath, While She Sleeps, Boston Manor, Loathe, Social Distortion, My Chemical Romance, Hollywood Undead, Hatebreed, The Used and loads more!
Features Sweetleaf Coffee Hosts Black Sabbath Tribute With Members Of Type O NegativeAt Sweetleaf's Greenpoint location this past Friday the 13th, Sal Abruscato (A Pale Horse Named Death) and Kenny Hickey (Silvertomb) played back-to-back sets honoring the Gods of Doom
Features 8 times Ozzy Osbourne earned his reputation as metal’s greatest madmanLooking back over some of the occasions The Prince Of Darkness earned his status as rock’s ultimate badass…