
What If Post Malone Was Metal?

Jared Dines answers this FAQ in his latest YouTube video.

It's a question as old as time. What would Post Malone's songs sound like if he stayed on the metal path instead of pursuing a lucrative career as a tattooed-faced rapper?

Well, luckily for just about everyone, YouTuber Jared Dines is here to close this case, like a riff-curious scientist. The guitar extraordinaire has stripped away the bells and whistles of Post Malone's Soundcloud oeuvre and added delicious chunky riffs to the likes of White Iverson, Rockstar and Go Flex.

Here are his conclusive findings.

In summary: it all sounds a bit like DragonForce or Iron Maiden, slowed down and fed through an effects pedal we can only describe as 'jaunty'.

Good work, Jared. Good work.

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