It’s been six years since your last album, Taking One For The Team. Have you had these new songs for a long time?
“We had the album ready to go before the pandemic – everything apart from the final mixing was done pre-February 2020. And then, of course, the world came to a halt. We decided to sit on the record because we were so proud of it that we didn’t want it to get lost in the mayhem and mess that was going on around the world. Plus, the pandemic put a strain on our personal lives and our families, as it did for everyone, so we decided it would be best for us to focus on being at home until the time felt right to start up again. Now, it feels like the time is right to put this thing out and hit the road. Who knows, maybe coronavirus will be with us forever, but this couldn’t wait any longer. Harder Than It Looks had to come out now – we’re too proud of what we’ve done to keep it hidden any longer.”
One of the singles from the album, Wake Me Up (When This Nightmare’s Over), has been used to raise funds for the crisis in Ukraine, and the video was made with a largely Ukrainian crew. Tell us about that…
“Chuck [Comeau, drums] has always had a big hand in the video side of Simple Plan, and he’d spent a while talking with directors about how we could best represent the meaning behind the song in a video. One of the people he was speaking with was Jensen [Noen], who’d directed our two previous videos, and all the while this whole thing with Ukraine and Russia was developing and we were seeing these horrible images of what was happening there. We’ve been to Ukraine before and have many friends from there, including Jensen, and Chuck basically asked him how he would feel about using the video to shed some light on what was happening. It’s obviously already very well-known, but we figured it might help raise a little more awareness, and we could do some fundraising for UNICEF too. Jensen’s response was really positive – it turned out he’d wanted to do that idea all along but hadn’t said anything. His family are still in the country and a lot of his team are Ukrainians, so it was just the perfect fit to get him involved and give him the opportunity to tell that story. I’m not saying we’re going to change the world with it or anything, but if we can just play a small part in helping those who are struggling, then it’s worth doing.”