
Watch Tomahawk's violent new video for Dog Eat Dog

Tomahawk have released a NSFW video for Dog Eat Dog that is also "served up with a healthy dose of slapstick humour".

Watch Tomahawk's violent new video for Dog Eat Dog
Emily Carter

As Tomahawk gear up to finally unveil their first new album in eight years – Tonic Immobility – next month, the band have just unveiled another new track from the record: Dog Eat Dog.

The supergroup – Mike Patton, Trevor Dunn, Duane Denison and John Stanier – have followed up January 2021 single Business Casual with the awesome Dog Eat Dog, complete with a violent and over-the-top music video.

"It's a statement about competition, oppression and unity – served up with a healthy dose of slapstick humour," says Duane (via Loudwire), while Mike adds: "Dogs patiently wait, obediently, for humans to snuff each other out… so they can take over the world. Dogs rule!!!!" Hear, hear.

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Speaking about the new album as a whole, meanwhile, Duane explains, "Tonic Immobility could just be something in the air we’re feeling. It’s been a rough year between the pandemic and everything else. A lot of people feel somewhat powerless and stuck as they’re not able to make a move without second guessing themselves or worrying about the outcomes. For as much as the record possibly reflects that, it’s also an escape from the realities of the world. We’re not wallowing in negativity or getting political. For me, rock has always been an alternate reality to everything else. I feel like this is yet another example."

Tonic Immobility – the follow-up to 2013’s Oddfellows – is due out on March 26 via Ipecac Recordings. Check out Dog Eat Dog below:

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