
Watch Sacred Reich Bring Old-School Thrash To A Tiny Brooklyn Dive Bar

Watch classic thrashers Sacred Reich rip Brooklyn a new one in our latest K! Pit.

There's been a wide variety of artist who've played the Brooklyn incarnation of our K! Pit series, from Daughters' destructive art rock to Sum 41's raucous pop-punk. And while they've all been totally kickass, some part of us has been craving something fast, brutal, and old-school. Thankfully, seminal thrashers Sacred Reich decided to swing by our favorite Brooklyn dive bar The Gutter, and gave us exactly what we were craving...and then some.

The band opened the night with the title track of their new album, Awakening, officially kicking off a whirlwind of headbanging among the fifty-plus diehard fans who came out to celebrate with them. Classics like Independent and The American Way were peppered in between new tracks like Manifest Reality and Salvation. Of course, in true form, frontman Phil Rind glowed with positivity and spoke with deep thoughtfulness, reminding the audience, "The best thing that we all possibly can do is be positive, be loving, be caring...and if we can all do that, we can change everything. It's not a big deal."

Watch Sacred Reich use thrash for good below:

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