
Max Cavalera reveals the story behind Sepultura's Roots album

Sepultura's founding member Max Cavalera discusses their seminal album Roots

Kerrang! staff

Max Cavalera sat down with Kerrang! to discuss the history and inside story of Sepultura's 1996 classic Roots. Not only one of the best metal albums of the 1990s, but a huge influence on the genre as a whole.

In the video, Max explains how and why Roots sounds "a little bit different" to everything else in metal at the time, merging the worlds of heavy with tribal sounds, going as far to actually record with a Brazilian tribe.

The ethos was to "do more with less", create a real punk feeling of no solos and more noise, which proved controversial to existing Sepultura fans who wanted more thrash and less groove.

Max goes on to reveal how he managed to get the elusive Faith No More vocalist Mike Patton involved in Roots on the track Lookaway, alongside Korn singer Jonathan Davis.

The Soulfly frontman also shares the story behind the album cover and how Dave Grohl blew out his speakers listening to the album... which is pretty fucking metal.

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