
Tropic Gold: “We obsess over everything… we want to make a sound that no-one has ever heard before”

Mixing metal, dance elements and, occasionally, “music from TV shows”, Tropic Gold hope to make something different every time. As they prepare to hit 2000trees, the British trio explain their search for fresh sounds, and how they’re taking inspiration from everywhere to do it…

Tropic Gold: “We obsess over everything… we want to make a sound that no-one has ever heard before”
Jake Richardson
Claire Hodgkins

Bedroom production is becoming increasingly normal. Bands are still utilising recording studios, of course, but so too can young artists whip out a laptop, download some software and start playing around. They’ll act as producer, and often even come away with something pretty good. It’s how the likes of Bad Omens – one of metal’s hottest properties – got their start. But now that everyone is a wannabe, it takes something a little more special for your band to stand out when you can do it all yourself.

Step forward Tropic Gold, the South East trio who are showing just how formidable music can become when you really hone in on the details.

“This has never been the type of band where we just set up our instruments and go,” guitarist and chief producer Joshua Lee explains. “We obsess over everything, and we want to make a sound that no-one has ever heard before. That means we rarely repeat ourselves in terms of production. A lot of the time, our songs will start completely electronic – it’s very rare that I’ll sit down and write with a guitar.”

“We go in heavy on the production because we’re perfectionists,” adds vocalist Jacob Parris. “It’s important that we get the feeling of the music right, and that it mirrors our vision. The detail in the production is something people really seem to pick up on with us.”

It’s getting them noticed, too. Last year, the band released their excellent EP What A Wonderful Experience, a record that leans on metal, rock, house and electro – not dissimilar to Bring Me The Horizon’s more experimental recent work. Tropic Gold’s sound is hard to pin down, and yet despite the members having largely turned their backs on chugging riffs (Jacob recalls his previous band being a “2012 metalcore” outfit, “a bit like Parkway Drive”), the music is affectingly heavy thanks to the brash multitude of flavours, the thickness of the sounds, and, importantly, the force of their delivery.

“We love heavy music, but we also love house music – we’re suckers for anything that sounds modern and well-produced, even if it’s dance or some acoustic thing,” Josh says of their more unexpected inspirations. “We love sharing sounds we like with each other, even if it’s something from a TV show or an ad we’ve seen on Instagram. We’re always sending stuff back and forth, and seeking out music that we think is cool, wherever it is.”

Armed with one of last year’s best EPs and with plans afoot for a follow-up later this year – along with an appearance at 2000trees – when it comes to seeking out something you’ve never heard before, Tropic Gold will leave you feeling appropriately golden.

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