
Skunk Anansie's Skin: "Brexit Is A Disaster"

The Skunk Anansie vocalist has grave concerns for young people and touring musicians.

Skunk Anansie's Skin: "Brexit Is A Disaster"

Skunk Anansie vocalist Skin says that if Britain finally leaves the EU, it will spell disaster for the UK, with young people and musicians being hit particularly hard.

“We’re short-changing our youth, actually,” Skin tells Kerrang!, when asked if society was short-changing young women in 2018. “Genders are kind of merging, and kids overall are getting a hard deal. Brexit is going to be so awful for them, if it happens. Life’s going to be a lot more expensive; we’ve already seen that. Are we going to be able to travel like we used to? Are bands going to be able to tour? Are we going to have to get visas? All these questions are unanswered. The thing’s a fucking disaster."

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“We’re listening to kids more, but we’re not listening with the right ears or any kind of soul,” she adds. “We’re listening in a mercenary way. Kids are getting drained of all their goodness and original ideas. Everything’s just being thrown at them and everything’s so fast. We’re raping them of their fucking souls and their ideas and all the good things that youth has.”

You can read the full interview in the latest issue of Kerrang!on sale now. Skunk Anansie’s 25LIVE@25 is available on January 25 via Republic Of Music.

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