
Apparently Marilyn Manson Got Married In Lockdown

Nicolas Cage – yes, *that* Nicolas Cage – reveals he attended Marilyn Manson's lockdown wedding via FaceTime…

Apparently Marilyn Manson Got Married In Lockdown
Kerrang! staff

It's been a busy year for Marilyn Manson, who, as well as releasing latest album WE ARE CHAOS amid the coronavirus pandemic, also seemingly got married in lockdown.

This personal update was confirmed by Mazza's pal Nicolas Cage in a conversation for Interview Magazine, with the Hollywood actor stating that he attended the ceremony via FaceTime.

Read this: 13 bands who wouldn't be here without Marilyn Manson

“By the way, is it okay to talk about your wedding?” he asks. “I thought your wedding was beautiful because that’s what you were doing while you were in lockdown. I got to see a little of it on FaceTime, and I thought it was very beautiful, the way you sang Love Me Tender.”

“You were the only guest at the wedding on FaceTime,” responds Manson. “And you definitely cock blocked me on singing Love Me Tender, because you mentioned you were going to sing it to us, but I had set up a karaoke machine to do it myself. We both sang it in the end, and your version was even more beautiful.”

Though they keep a low public profile, this must mean that the musician and his longtime partner, photographer Lindsay Usich, have tied the knot. Several years ago he had stated that he didn't want to get married again, but it sounds as though he changed his mind…

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