FEVER 333 reveal first headline run since last year’s cancelled world tour
FEVER 333 have confirmed that they’ll be back onstage in several months’ time for a “concentrated series of West Coast summer functions”.
Catch Fire are streaming their new EP exclusively with Kerrang!
Their sophomore EP, A Love That I Still Miss, is set to be released on March 24 through Rude Records, but you can listen to it in its entirety below a few days early!. Don’t forget to pre-order a copy at:
Talking about the new release the band said: “A Love That I Still Miss” (ALTISM) is a collection of the most heartfelt songs we’ve ever written, that represent things we’ve felt and experiences we’ve had had to endure over the past year in our personal lives. We’ve grown a lot over the past year as people, as a band, and as musicians. Some of these songs we wrote right off the back of releasing “The Distance I Am From You” (TDIAFY). We put that EP out last year, and pretty much started writing straight after.”
“We played a few of these new songs at shows during final quarter of last year, and having had a relatively positive year, we felt more comfortable and confident when writing and recording this EP than we did with anything previous. There are a lot of themes covered in the EP, stretching from jealousy, anxiety, anger, sadness, happiness, all the way to love and hate. This collection of songs is a product of personal discomfort, sadness and anxiety for the most part, and we wanted to channel all these negative feelings into something that could potentially be the cure to someone else’s despair. We hope these songs can help anyone in some way, big or small. Thank you in advance for listening.”
Don’t forget to see Catch Fire live at the following:
25 Nottingham Rock City Basement
26 London Thousand Island