
Steel Panther Announce Live From Lexxi’s Mom’s Garage Film And Acoustic Album

Lexxi Foxx says, “Satchel says that he might be my new dad, but I’m not really sure what that means…”

Steel Panther Announce Live From Lexxi’s Mom’s Garage Film And Acoustic Album

Hairspray cans at the ready, people! Yes, Steel Panther have unveiled their first ever full-length film.

Titled Live From Lexxi’s Mom’s Garage, the films sees Michael Starr, Satchel Lexxi Foxx and Stix Zadinia deliver ten acoustic performances – including the likes of Party Like Tomorrow Is The End Of The World and Community Property, plus an all-new song, Then You Came In – as well as numerous comedy inserts.

Speaking about recording the event, Lexxi Fox says, “It was so much fun playing our songs on these new wooden guitars in my mom’s garage! Satchel says that he might be my new dad, but I’m not really sure what that means!”

Excited? Well, you can watch the official trailer here:

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Live From Lexxi’s Mom’s Garage is available on CD and CD/DVD via Open E Records/Kobalt on February 26.

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