
Panic! At The Disco Debut Mysterious Teaser

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Panic! At The Disco have posted a mysterious new video teaser. It looks like the the Las Vegas rockers will…

Panic! At The Disco Debut Mysterious Teaser

Panic! At The Disco have posted a mysterious new video teaser…

It looks like the the Las Vegas rockers will be confirming the meaning of their teaser on October 22, as they’ve posted in the below video – along with lyrics from Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! opening track This Is Gospel, ‘If you love me let me go’.

Does this mean that a new album album is on the way? Or maybe something else? Check out the clip below, and let us know your thoughts in the comments!

If you love me let me go – October 22nd.

A video posted by Panic! At The Disco (@panicatthedisco) on

While we wait patiently until October 22, watch Panic! At The Disco’s 9 Greatest Videos:

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