Frontman Christoffer Bach Kofoed’s punchy contributions are crucial to this blend, his aggro vocal bootprint a perfect fit for song titles like Face-Splitting Madness, Shackled To A Corpse and the delightful Putrefied Body Fluid.
“The lyrics are classic gore, very classic death metal,” says Joakim with a smile. “They’re not sophisticated, we’re very aware of that – we just think it’s fun. Maybe we’ll see on the next record if we’ll dive into any more serious topics!”
In conversation, Joakim continually describes the experiences NECKBREAKKER have enjoyed – signing to eminent metal label Nuclear Blast, playing big Euro fests including a triumphant set at their own country’s Copenhell – as “a fucking dream”. Pressed for future ambitions, he modestly speaks of getting their music out to more people, before adding, “Then hopefully we’ll become the biggest death metal band in the world!”
This might be said with a self-deprecating chuckle, but their already-swift ascent leaves the future thrillingly open.
“We’re always pulling influences from all sorts of places, so it’ll be very exciting to see what we’ll sound like in a couple of years,” ponders Joakim. For now, that excitement should be shared by everyone who finds themselves Within The Viscera. Because NECKBREAKKER are bloody great.