
Neck Deep drop new acoustic version of What Took You So Long?

Neck Deep have reworked What Took You So Long? and "focused on getting the song to sound as beautiful as possible".

Neck Deep drop new acoustic version of What Took You So Long?
Emily Carter

Neck Deep are throwing things back to last year's awesome All Distortions Are Intentional album, unveiling a lovely acoustic rendition of What Took You So Long?.

Of this new reworked version, frontman Ben Barlow explains: "What Took You So Long? acoustic was something we whittled together during a little downtime. It was a song that originally came together in the studio, and whilst recording we noticed its ‘balladic’ – if that’s even a word, I haven’t been autocorrected! – qualities. We flicked through the stems and re-recorded guitars acoustically and really just focused on getting the song to sound as beautiful as possible. We added a ton of different layers to the composition and even a little mandolin like in Little Dove.

Read this: Why Neck Deep swapped pop-punk for their own universe

"It’s a straight-up love song, and love is a complex spectrum, so we felt having a softer version alongside the original would nicely depict the different forms that love can take. Energetic and exciting, to delicate and meaningful all in the same moment. We hoped that it could provide a little sound track to those beautiful moments with this rendition. Enjoy!"

In a track-by-track interview, Ben previously told Kerrang! that, "The title was inspired by a line from the movie Singles, a romantic comedy set in Seattle and starring loads of grunge musicians, including Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell. Every section of the film is divided up with these horrible title screens, and one of them says ​‘What took you so long?’ In the context of the album it’s Jett asking Alice what took you so long for her to come into his life. This song also establishes themes of significance and purpose."

Check out What Took You So Long? (Acoustic) below:

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