
Malia Obama Makes Her Music Video Debut With Harvard Indie Rock Band

Hey, even first daughters deserve a chance to be college students.

Malia Obama Makes Her Music Video Debut With Harvard Indie Rock Band

You might assume that after spending eight years being watched by the entire world, Malia Obama would be ready to just drop the mic and bail on normal life. But apparently the former first daughter has decided to embrace such pedestrian activities as having fun, being a normal college student, and supporting a local band.

Malia shows up in Walking On Air, the latest video from the New Dakotas, a Harvard-based indie rock band. You can catch her at the 1:40 mark, auditioning for the band and wiling out on the harmonica shortly thereafter.

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You can keep up with the New Dakotas at their website. Or keep your eyes peeled on Twitter, for when the current president attacks Malia for daring to have a fun, normal life.

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