
Listen to Mammoth WVH’s new single Like A Pastime

Mammoth WVH shares the next single from upcoming album Mammoth II – listen to Like A Pastime now.

Listen to Mammoth WVH’s new single Like A Pastime
Emily Carter

Following on from March’s awesome single Another Celebration At The End Of The World, Mammoth WVH have shared the next release from their upcoming second album Mammoth II.

This one goes by the name Like A Pastime, and as explained by Wolfgang Van Halen, the song “centres around a 4/4-time signature, but with a polyrhythm on top. I was teaching my fiancé what a polyrhythm is, and I stumbled upon this idea. The kick drums are accentuating it.

“It’s certainly one of my favourites and a completely different vibe than anything on the first album.”

Watch the lyric video below:

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