Lauran Hibberd has unveiled a moving new single, I Suck At
Written following the loss of her father in 2022, Lauran shares
of the meaning behind the track: “I guess eventually you run out of stuff to
laugh about, and have to look life or in this case death straight in the eye. I
lost my dad last year, and I changed in an instant but forever.
“I found everyone’s advice on grief painful and inappropriate,
and I couldn’t work out why I couldn’t grieve like the internet told me to,” Lauran
continues. “This track feels like an extension of me, and I know it’s not my
usual tricks but it feels more me than anything I’ve ever made before. This is
a song for people who don’t want to grieve, for people who don’t know where to
start, and for people who don’t know how it ends.”
Watch the video below: