
Jinjer have dropped a cool animated video for the title-track of their new album, Duél

It's another banger from the Ukrainian metallers' upcoming fifth album, Duél

Jinjer have dropped a cool animated video for the title-track of their new album, Duél
Nick Ruskell
Lina Glasir

Next Friday, Ukrainian metal squadron Jinjer will release their fifth album, Duél. Having already hinted at what's to come on previous teasers Someone's Daughter, Rogue and Green Serpent, they've now tossed out the title-track and accompanying cool, retro-animated video.

“First of all, it‘s hard to believe that we’re about to release our fifth full length album,” says bassist Eugene Abdukhanov. “After all the releases we’ve made, finally having Duél in our hands and ready to be shared with the world, makes us very proud that our band still hasn’t run out of creativity and inspiration. The fact that we still challenge ourselves to release the best music we have ever made with each new release, is what keeps Jinjer moving forward.”

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Expanding on the making of the new album, Eugene continues:

“This upcoming album was the longest songwriting process we’ve ever had and it took almost two years to complete. We worked very hard with every free minute we weren’t on tour, recording demos over and over again and always searching for the perfect sound for guitars, bass and drums.

“It was also the first time that Tatiana [Shmayluk] did vocal pre-productions, so it’s safe to say that none of our releases were so well thought out and calculated as this one. It pulverises the boundaries of the modern progressive metal genre but still remains sophisticated, exciting and extreme all at the same time. We took up the challenge to expand our musical horizons even wider than before in order to cement Duél to be the next step in Jinjer's musical growth and hopefully the evolution of metal music in general.”

Catch Jinjer live at Download Festival in June – get your tickets now.

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