
Hot Milk unleash new standalone single, Where Does The Light Get In?

Watch the video for Hot Milk’s new single Where Does The Light Get In?, which they describe as “its own beast that came from a place of great torment and suffering”.

Hot Milk unleash new standalone single, Where Does The Light Get In?
Emily Carter

After teasing the single for a little while now, Hot Milk have just shared their vulnerable, standalone new song and video, Where Does The Light Get In?.

The track is the band’s first new msince last year’s 4/5-rated A CALL TO THE VOID, with Han Mee describing it as “its own beast that came from a place of great torment and suffering. Matters of the heart are rarely touched by our band but after the last year put me into a place I never wish to return I couldn’t not write this song. It was a necessity.”

“Sadness doesn’t last forever, but when it consumes you it feels like it’s there for eternity,” adds Jim Shaw. “Essentially this song is a cry out for a change in circumstances. It’s hard seeing someone close to you in pain and feeling powerless to change it. I wanted to exacerbate the vulnerability of this song so I began as stripped back as I could, me and a piano, and played what you can hear as soon as the song starts. We wanted the lyrics to come across almost like a prayer so we brought in the girls in Espera to record a choir and act as the response in the chorus.”

Watch the video below:

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