Mastodon part ways with guitarist/vocalist Brent Hinds after 25 years
Mastodon and guitarist/vocalist Brent Hinds have “mutually decided to part ways”, according to a statement from the band.
A handful of rock and metal inspired virtual backgrounds to spice up your Zoom calls
Virtual beers – everyone's doing it. Now the world is on lockdown, our only means of face-to-face interaction comes in the form of video conferencing apps, sitting on our sofas chatting away to our colleagues and friends while silently judging their choice of home decor.
Video conferencing software Zoom lets you hide your hideous bedroom though, giving you the option to add in a virtual background. Wish you could go outside? Simply replace your wall with a sunny beach, a concert or even your favourite pub. Or, why not insert yourself into some iconic rock and metal album covers?
Below we have created a series of virtual backgrounds for you to use on Zoom – from Leprosy by Death and Nirvana's Nevermind to replacing one of the lovers on MCR's Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, or even joining the ranks of Slipknot.
Go on, make your morning office calls 666% more ROCK!
READ THIS: Non-metal albums with very metal artwork