Hear Patrick Stump on Catbite’s new single Tired Of Talk
Watch the animated video for Catbite’s new single Tired Of Talk, which features a very awesome guest: “By the miracle of ska, we got a reply from Patrick saying that he loved the song…”
It appears that the makers of the llama puppets in Fall Out Boy's video for Young And Menace are suing the band.
It's not as though Fall Out Boy have never dealt with controversy before -- after all, the band has been picketed by the Westboro Baptist Church. But now it appears that the boys are in legal hot water over the use of certain...llama puppets.
That's right: Fall Out Boy may be the first band to ever be sued over llama puppets.
According to Reuters, the company who produced the puppets, Furry Puppet Studio Inc., filed suit against the band on Friday. Their claim is that they only gave Fall Out Boy permission to use the puppets in their video for Young And Menace, which you can watch below:
However, Furry Puppet Studio claims that the band continued to use their puppets after the video, featuring them in other videos and on tours. This apparently violates the usage agreement that the band and company entered, and the puppet studio have claimed that the damages incurred by the band for using the puppets illegally could be in the millions of dollars.
The lawsuit was filed in Manhattan court. The band has yet to issue any sort of commentary or response on the suit.
Describing the Young And Menace video in a behind-the-scenes look at its making, Pete Wentz said, "The concept of the video is realising that your place in the world is maybe not just what you thought it is, or thought it was growing up...I grew up as a weird kid in a place where I felt like I didn’t fit in. It wasn’t until finding punk rock and stuff, that I felt like I found other people who similarly felt like they didn’t fit in.”