
David Hasselhoff Is Recording Heavy Metal Songs For His Next Album

Baywatch and Knight Rider legend David Hasselhoff is branching into heavy metal. Sure.

David Hasselhoff Is Recording Heavy Metal Songs For His Next Album

Might as well cancel the new albums from Slipknot and Tool this year, people, because David Hasselhoff is soon to branch into heavy metal.

The legendary actor, singer, producer and more has told German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur (via Blabbermouth) that he will be recording "some heavy metal songs" for his new album, saying: "I'm doing some heavy metal songs on my new album. Why not? I do not have an album title yet, but it should read: Everything Is allowed. I do everything. Because I can. Because I want it."

The star of Baywatch, Knight Rider and more has released 13 studio LPs in total – from 1985's Night Rocker through to 2012's This Time Around – and though he generally dabbles in the poppier end of the spectrum, The Hoff did confess to in 2014 that he likes both Iron Maiden and Metallica. Good man.

More news on when we can hear David Hasselhoff go heavy metal when we have it. Obviously.

In the meantime, let's give this a spin, because who doesn't love a bit of Hooked On A Feeling?!

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