Has 2020 allowed you to re-evaluate things, and if so what have you learned about yourself in that process?
“As far as it pertains to the band, I’m really proud of how agile and adaptable we’ve been. When I look at everything objectively, I can really take a lot of pride. It’s cool to see the growth that we’ve been through this year. Being in an impossibly tough situation to navigate for a band that relies so heavily on being on tour and all of that, I’m really proud of the fact that we were able to find ways to create new opportunities for ourselves. And even paying our crew: they were out of work for an entire year and we found ways to get everybody safely to Nashville for 15 days to make this concert series. We essentially had to fund that out of pocket with the hopes that it would generate some revenue on the back end so that we weren’t fucked. I’m happy about that because it essentially let us pay our crew for a month of work, which was really, really important. And we got to do a benefit concert for the crew, which I know came at a good time for everybody. There have been some things that we tried that didn’t work and that’s sort of like the theme of this year: it was just like, ‘Don’t be afraid to throw a bunch of shit against the wall and see what sticks.’ That’s really the only option we had.”
Have you been able to focus on even more new music, too?
“We got to a certain point where we just said, ‘Let’s get back in the studio and start writing,’ because that was one of the only other things we had available to us: to be creative. Typically we put a record out and then go on tour for a long time, and I don’t normally find the headspace to write as much – I go on tour mode. So this time I quickly had to flip that gear back into creative mode and it was pretty fun! We probably have another two albums’ worth of music at this point…”
What about your band with blink-182’s Mark Hoppus, Simple Creatures?
“We’ve talked about it a lot and we have some ideas kicking back and forth. It was a challenge to get Simple Creatures rolling again because both of us personally just had a lot going on in our lives. Mark lives on the opposite coast to me, and despite the fact I wasn’t doing All Time Low the way we usually would, we were still very busy with that. So we haven’t been as active with it as maybe we would have liked, but there are some songs kicking back and forth. Mark and I kind of check in with each other usually at least once a week to be like, ‘Hey, what’s up about Simple Creatures?’ and, ‘When are we doing something?’ The conversation is always being had, and the thing that’s great about Simple Creatures is we designed it to be something that when we are ready to fire it up, it’s pretty quick to fire up. At some point I think there will be something coming your way.”