
Album review: Tungsten – Bliss

Swedish metallurgists Tungsten are heavier than ever on third album Bliss…

Album review: Tungsten – Bliss
Angela Davey

When you’re in a band with a member of both Manowar and Hammerfall, there’s a certain level of success that can be expected. Even more so when that member is your dad. That’s exactly the case for Nick and Karl Johansson of Swedish industrial power metal outfit Tungsten. Their old man, Anders Johansson, plays the drums for this (mostly) family affair. The quartet have shown absolutely no signs of slowing down since their formation in 2016 and are now on album number three. Latest effort, Bliss, sees the return of all the cheesy hooks, catchy choruses and industrial tinged folksiness, however, this time around they sound much, much heavier.

Opening with In The Center, more traditional metal influences hit with immediate force and hint towards a much more intense affair than usual. It’s an interesting mix up to their already established sound and a refreshing change of pace. The melodies are a little more dynamic and there’s a density to the music that’s not present on previous releases.

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Despite the darker edge, the playfulness at the core of Tungsten’s sound is not lost. Since their inception, Tungsten have promised a good time for listeners and have consistently delivered. Bliss is absolutely no exception. The harder hitting passages complement the band’s uplifting eccentrity and penchant for folksy toe tapping tunes. The combination between the two makes for a release that’s wall to wall industrial headbangers. They could afford to go heavier still and it will be interesting to see if this is a path that’s continued on for further albums. However, for the meantime, Bliss is undoubtedly Tungsten’s finest release to date.

Verdict: 3/5

For fans of: Hammerfall, Manowar, Powerwolf

Bliss is released on June 17 via Arising Empire

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