
8 Reasons Why Creeper Are Going To Take Over The World

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8 Reasons Why Creeper Are Going To Take Over The World

8 Reasons Creeper Are Going To Take Over The World

It’s official. Creeper’s debut album Eternity, In Your Arms is less than a month away. Their rise from goth-punk contenders to British rock’s hottest band has been dizzying and, if there’s any justice, 2017 will see them blow up in a big way. But, in case you’ve been living under a rock on Mars with your fingers in your ears, here’s 8 reasons why Creeper are taking over the world right now…

Words: James Mackinnon


It’s hard to think of another band in recent years that have so intrigued us. Like David Bowie unleashing Ziggy Stardust and My Chemical Romance conjuring The Black Parade, Creeper have created their own world. From their conceptual videos to their gang identity as The Callous Heart, with each release their cosmos grows and new myths are added. There’s a genuine air of mystery surrounding them that captures the imagination and makes them more than just a band with some songs.


And what songs. It can’t really be overstated how catchy Creeper’s songs are. Drama. Darkness. Rousing singalongs. It’s all there with a dash of AFI and hooks hookier than Captain Hook’s fishing rod (and one or two Peter Pan references). The best part is that they just keep getting bigger and better!


To witness them is to be invited into their cult. Every live show feels momentous and they attack each one with the passion to convert the uninitiated. It’s that attitude which has seen them slay audiences in America and is set to make their upcoming March UK tour with Energy, Puppy (!) and Milk Teeth (!!) so special. Tickets have been selling faster than sun screen at a goth summer camp, so snap up the remaining tickets while you still have the chance. This is going to be huge.


You’d really be hard-pressed to find a nicer guy than frontman Will Gould offstage. But when he gets onstage something happens. A veil comes down. He becomes the magnetic, adrenalised presence spearheading Creeper’s horror-punk assault holding audiences in the palm of his hand. Suddenly inviting him round to your nan’s for tea doesn’t seem like such a good idea. As quickly as Creeper’s deserved popularity has been thrust upon them, he’s taken up that gauntlet and become the charismatic frontman they need.


When it came to announcing their debut album, you knew Creeper were going to do something big. But we didn’t expect them to go missing. Following their disappearance after Leeds festival last year, the internet was a mad scramble for any information pertaining to their whereabouts. Instead, what we got was a red herring website detailing the missing case of the unknown James Scythe and a phone number you called to receive an eerie prerecorded message. Then they started a game of hangman played across the entire of Southampton. You had to leave your house and track down clues and letters posted in phone booths, venues and God knows where else. We became pawns in Creeper’s game.


As if sending us searching down the backs of our sofas for clues wasn’t enough, the band also have a track record for mischief. Like the time last April Will, guitarist Ian Miles and photographer Jay Wennington recounted over Twitter the spooky night they spent in Room 309 (which now has a track named after it on the album. Creep-ception!) Or Strange Southampton, a website so woefully 90’s right down to its alien head cursor you figure it might just predate the band. Then you try and click a link to any myth that isn’t Creeper related and the website 404’s you upside the head. Well played, Creeper. Well played.


The hidden ace up Creeper’s sleeve. Since Hannah Greenwood’s full instatement in the band in 2015, their songs have only gotten bigger and more symphonic in scope. As well rocking the keys and calling out sexism in the industry, she’s also a killer singer and her spine-tingling vocals will add a whole other level to Eternity, in Your Arms.


The wait is nearly over and we literally cannot contain our excitement. Yet despite all the videos and teasers, we still don’t really have any idea what is going on in the ongoing tale of Creeper. What happened to James Scythe? Who is the girl? Are Creeper even real? Do we exist? On 23rd March all will be revealed…

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