Tony: “There are literally two bands that exist right now that only play THPS covers. One is Australian [Birdman Or The Unexpected Virtues Of A Tony Hawk Skater Cover Band], they actually opened up our fundraiser show with Bad Religion, and there’s another called Downhill Jam who just opened up for Zappa at the Whisky in LA. They’re basing their band’s career around our soundtrack… it’s crazy!
“My kids have played the games over the years too, I think my eldest son Riley was probably the one who played them the most because he was of that age. He was influenced by the soundtracks but he was already exposed to all that music just through me, so none of his music taste was a great surprise.”
John: “I want to say that probably three out of five people that know Goldfinger will mention Tony Hawk, say they found us through that video game, and then started listening to our band.”