Horror movies and heavy metal will always make good coffin-fellows. Both are obsessed with evil, morbidity, and the dark depths of the human soul. Both provide safe pocket universes in which to exorcise negative emotions and indulge in darkest fantasies. And both continue to make shitloads of money to the confusion and disdain of a mainstream culture that paints them as trash.
That said, horror soundtracks that really bring the riffs are somewhat few and far between. In general, horror films go for creepy original scores over heavy rock songs; even some of the soundtracks of specifically metal-themed horror films are without a single gang vocal (The Gate is literally about a heavy metal record that opens a portal to Hell, but the soundtrack is sadly soft). That said, those movies that go all in on rock usually provide listeners with a killer cross-section of their release years’ heaviest tunes.
Here are 13 horror soundtracks that’ll put a little raw power behind your Halloween. Blare them out of your front door to weed out the wimpy trick-or-treaters…