Most rock fans will forever live by the old newspaper adage: If it bleeds, it leads. When something is violent, bizarre and incendiary, punks and metalheads flock to it, excited to glom the sheer electricity off of a story, sound, or image that makes most people gasp. From that inherent desire has risen shock rock, a unique musical subset that combines theatricality and vulgarity to make the experience of seeing a concert similar to that of seeing a haunted attraction, stand-up comedian, or mud-wrestling show.
But as any actor (or indeed rational person) knows, performing despicable acts onstage does not mean the performers are despicable people. The truth is, for shock rockers the profane and maniacal is their day job, and when they get home at the end of tour they rarely want to spit blood and breathe fire from the couch. In fact, quite the opposite – having exorcised those tendencies in front of screaming crowds, the kings and queens of shock rock usually want to be perfectly normal, if not adorably wholesome, in their private lives.
Here are some shock rockers whose offstage personalities are more innocent than you might expect…