
Watch BLACKGOLD’s futuristic, Matrix-inspired video for Social Blackout

“It’s a scary time for humanity…” BLACKGOLD have released a new video for Social Blackout, taken from their recent Back With Another One EP.

BLACKGOLD have just unveiled a futuristic and cinematic new music video.

The rising masked group have given recent track Social Blackout the video treatment, with a Matrix-inspired vibe to match the lyrical content.

“People are so addicted to having a good social media presence that they forget to be present in the room they are in,” explains Spookz. “It’s like we are all looking for likes and stimulation through a screen just like The Matrix.

“It’s a scary time for humanity. We need to connect in person; we need a social media blackout to remember who we are.”

Social Blackout is taken from BLACKGOLD’s recent Back With Another One EP.

Watch their new video below: