Kelly Osbourne Urges Fans To "Stay Home For Ozzy"
In a new post, Kelly Osbourne asked fans and followers to respect quarantine lockdown for the sake of her high-risk dad.

One of the issues that able-bodied people seem to have with the strict quarantine guidelines surrounding the coronavirus is that infection does not seem dramatic. What they don't seem to understand is that while the disease may not manifest in someone younger and physically fit, it can be spread to the elderly and those with immune-system conditions, for whom quarantine is designed to keep safe. Now, Kelly Osbourne has asked fans to respect the lockdown for the sake of her mom and dad, who she points out are at very high risk.
In a post on her Instagram, the princess of darkness wrote, "I wish there was something I could say to comfort you all. Some wisdom I could drop on you to relive you from the fear that surrounds us all right now. The truth is I am scared too. Both of my parents are high risk especially my dad. If I would have known 3 weeks ago when I sent them off to panama that that was gonna be the last time I got to hug and kiss them for a while… I would have held on a little longer. However these are the sacrifices we must make. I stay home for my mum and dad. If you don't have anyone to stay home for I beg you #StayHomeForOzzy
READ THIS: Ozzy - "I haven't made my Sgt. Pepper's album yet"
Not only that, but Kelly has asked that fans pick up Ozzy's spirits by doing their best impression of metal's greatest madman, writing, "Help put a smile on my dads face while he is in quarantine by posting a pic of your best Ozzy impersonation and #StayHomeForOzzy I love you all 💜"
Everyone at Kerrang! urges you to stay home, stay healthy, and post the most shit Ozzy impression you can come up with to your Instagram.
READ THIS: Ozzy – "I think about death, but I'm not worried about it"