
Hear Three-Quarters Of Tool Score A New Short Film, The Witness

Tool guitarist Adam Jones joins forces with two of his bandmates for a short film to launch his new 1979 Les Paul Custom guitar.

Adam Jones has recruited his fellow Tool bandmates Justin Chancellor and Danny Carey for a beautiful score to short film The Witness, which launches his shiny new Adam Jones 1979 Les Paul Custom guitar.

The Tool trio also joined forces with Fear Inoculum producer Evil Joe Barresi on the mix of The Witness, with Tim Dawson getting producing/writing credits, and Toshi Kasai serving as an additional engineer on the seven-minute-long piece.

Read this: Why some Tool fans think their Lateralus album is hiding a huge secret

“I’m proud to finally show the world the first release in our multi-year partnership with Adam Jones,” enthuses Gibson CMO Cesar Gueikian. “Adam is one of the most talented and sonically innovative guitarists. I call him modern riff lord and sonic architect. His creativity and technical ability in music, visual effects, production, videography and beyond is second to none and our collaboration is a true reflection of Adam.”

The guitar itself is a limited-edition offering from the Gibson Custom Shop Murphy Lab, with an aged and signed version available to buy here, while the Adam Jones 1979 Les Paul Custom (VOS) can be purchased at this link.

Back in August, Danny spoke of potentially making new music with Tool while in the current COVID situation.

“Tool hasn’t been jamming,” he said. “We’ve been just kind on hiatus. Nothing’s really been happening. But I think it’s time. We kept hoping that we were gonna get back out, so we were just kind of, ‘Hey, enjoy this while it lasts,’ but now it’s looking like it could go to the rest of the year, so we need to get the lead out and start functioning – maybe knock out another EP, at least, or something like that.”

In May, Justin also said that he had “written some interesting riffs which will be reserved for Tool”…

Anyway, check out The Witness below: