
Hear Ice Nine Kills team up with Reel Big Fish for glorious Walking On Sunshine cover

Ice Nine Kills have just unleashed a spectacularly fun cover of Katrina And The Waves’ ’80s banger Walking On Sunshine, featuring Reel Big Fish.

Ice Nine Kills and Reel Big Fish have joined forces for a fantastic cover of Walking On Sunshine that’ll brighten your day (which is definitely needed on this drizzly July morning in the UK).

The two bands have tackled Katrina And The Waves’ ’80s classic for the new five-issue American Psycho series from Sumerian Comics – which makes sense, of course, given that Patrick Bateman famously listens to Walking On Sunshine on his Sony Walkman in the movie.

This new comic series also produced an original song from Puscifer entitled The Algorithm in May.

Via Revolver, Ice Nine Kills frontman Spencer Charnas says of the cover: “It’s no secret to INK fans that ska punk and horror movies are what pumps through my bloodstream. When the opportunity arose to combine one of my favourite films with one of my favourite bands of all time, I didn’t just jump at the chance, I skanked over to my nail gun, axe and chainsaw and bludgeoned out my favourite cover we’ve ever done.”

Check it out below: