Album review: Friends Of Hell – Friends Of Hell
Multinational riff-fuelled supergroup Friends of Hell spill doom over the world…

Can evil be cosy? Listening to Friends Of Hell’s self-titled debut album is like settling down with a pair of slippers with spikes on the inside and a pipe full of weevil-infested tobacco. There’s something familiar and welcoming about the retro doom sound they peddle (and their very name comes from the title of doom legends Witchfinder General's second album), but it’s just nasty enough to stop you from slipping entirely into comfy nostalgia.
Conceived by one-time Electric Wizard bassist Tas Danazoglou and also featuring the distinctive vocals of Finnish doom lord Albert Witchfinder (ex-Reverend Bizarre), the band have the pedigree and experience to ensure that their old-school moves are done right. Out With The Wolves kicks things off on a mid-paced groove surrounded by squealing peals of guitar and simple but mesmerising lead breaks. Mid-paced turns out to be FOH’s maximum velocity as Shadow Of The Impaler slows things right down, giving the sampled screams plenty of time to play out. Then Into My Coffin reaches out to wrap its croaky hooks around you like a revenant’s pallid arms.
There’s a raw and unpolished feel to the album but it’s all the better for its imperfections. This sounds like a set of songs recorded in the garage with maximum passion and little time for niceties. That doesn’t mean it’s entirely one-dimensional or lacking in subtleties, though. There are plenty of inventive and atmospheric flourishes, especially from guitarist Jondix, to keep things fresh and reasonably distinctive.
Lyrically and aesthetically – a flame-wreathed nun anyone? – this also treads well-worn ’70s horror-themed ground. There’s nothing here that is truly original, but that really isn’t the point and for anyone looking for a pure doom metal thrill ride, Friends Of Hell have just what you need.
Verdict: 4/5
For fans of: Reverend Bizarre, Electric Wizard, Witchfinder General
Friends Of Hell is released on March 18 via Rise Above