
Exclusive World Premiere: Nekrogoblikon’s New Music Video For Dressed as Goblins

Big fan of goblins? Boy, do we have a treat for you…

Written and directed by multi-talented comedic musician Brendon Small (co-creator of Metalocalypse and Dethklok), Nekrogoblikon’s new music video for Dressed As Goblins is the first from their highly-anticipated new album, Welcome To Bonkers (due out April 13 and now available for pre-order).

A follow-up to the band’s viral No One Survives from 2012, the new video is somehow just as bizarre and funny as it is touching. As guitarist Alex Alereza explains, "Brendon came up with a dark and emotional – yet absurdly hilarious – story about [band mascot] John Goblikon that really highlights everything we've loved about the character.”

Whereas most bands or directors will write a video treatment based upon a specific song, Brendon took a different approach with Dressed As Goblins. “With narrative-style videos like this and our first [No One Survives], the treatment comes first, and then we choose the song that we feel best complements the story,” Alex explains.

As for the music on the album? “This time around, I pretty much wrote most of it, whereas we’ve had varying degrees of collaboration on past albums,” explains vocalist Nicholas 'Scorpion' Von Doom of the catchy album that prioritises melody more than any Nekrogoblikon release before it. “It was rad working with Jason ‘Vagina Dr. Dad Mr. Lippington’* Suecof [Trivium, The Black Dahlia Murder]; he brought everything up another level."

*(Yeah, we have no idea, either.)

Kerrang! is super-stoked to partner exclusively with the band to bring you the worldwide premiere of this video, which you can check out below:

And don’t miss Nekrogoblikon on tour with Rings of Saturn, Allegaeon, Lorna Shore, Entheos, and Gloom, running through March 30. 

All remaining dates can be found on the band’s Facebook page!

Check out more:

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