Embracing brevity, only one track breaks the three-minute mark, a couple not even reaching two, and one of these is amongst the best, the punch drunk bludgeon of Amnesic proving truly intoxicating. They also briefly dip back into screamy hip-hop territory on Des Vies À Bout, which makes for a decent change of gear without losing momentum.
Beastly closer Parasite does a good job of wrapping things up. Built upon swaggering agitation and pure fury, it very much gets the point across that Calcine are not to be messed with. It’s maybe overall a little too familiar to say that they are standing out from the pack at this stage in their career, but it’s a damn fine start.
Verdict: 3/5
For fans of: Candy, Harm’s Way, Knocked Loose
Common Love Common Nausea is released on June 21 via Church Road